Friday, November 27, 2009

November 27th -- Plans

Nov 27th

The meeting with Cody, Cursa, Lea, Sentry, and others went well. Overall, we see to be moving forward with plans for what to do when the inevitable happens, and the Alliance hits the rim, and hits us hard. Piling up food, medicine, and guns as fast as we can, is a start, but secondly training those who day to day lives have never been affected by war. It won't be easy.

Sentry is still angry at me, and I can understand to a certain point. Tee is still in my blood, and there is nothing I can do about that. Every day that I wake up in the morning and crawl to the toilet, I can't help but wonder if I should have done something different. Sentry wants me to relax and slow down, but I have so much to account for, and so much left to do before I can rest.

I'll be seeing Lea as my doctor for now. The rim needs more of them, but the educated don't like to venture out this far. It's not a comfortable life. I sometimes think about John Henry, and know that he is probably enjoying a martini on some Ariel resort. Why do I care so much? Tee has offered me sanctuary if I go with him. And yet, I stay out here, desperately scrambling to help a few who might not even want to help themselves. Maybe I should just give up. So much easier to just go home into the waiting arms of family, but I can't do that to those that trust me. Can't give up, there's too much riding on this.

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