Thursday, November 26, 2009

November 20th -- Scattered

Nov 20

I woke up from a nightmare last night. The universe collapsed in on itself, and I was left in the blackhole, forever an able to breathe, to see, or touch. I had to turn up the heat to drive away the cold. Dex stirred a little when I got out of bed.

Despite my fear of what might happen if Tee finds out, I have decided to stop pretending I don't care for Dex. He has been everything I could possibly need and more. And yet, there is a part of me that fears hurting him. Am I still in love with Tee? I cannot say no.

The Alliance is closing in, and we are still just a rag-tag group of people, some of us honest, others not so much, that are just wanting to get on with our lives. Yet, if we do not do something soon, there will be nothing left.

Both Cursa and I have talked with High Priestess Varahi the leader of the Companion's guild about the coming issues. She has agreed to help us despite the position it puts her in. Though she thinks first of her girls, it seems that she is not heartless.

In these last few weeks, Cursa has surprised me. The young man is no more than 19, and yet he has stepped up to play such an essential part. There is a part of me, that is sad to see his innocence lost to such a vial thing as war, but he is becoming a man, and a good one. His skills as a medic are essential to us, and his ability to bring groups together is what we need.

The scattered masses cannot continue to be scattered or we will be beaten down. Those of us who will not assimilate will be killed and the rest will become just more cogs for the Alliance to continue it's ever stretching reach. This isn't just about freedom, it's about dignity, and humanity. We lose all if they win.

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