Cody seems to be hinting that Tee brainwashed me. It's a bit silly if you ask me, but I promised to let Cursa test me. I guess he was too far from the two of us. In truth, I loved Tee, and I know it wasn't about brainwash. With all that's happened lately though, I can't help but be worried that there is more to our relationship than I thought.
Lea was able to see me today. Overall, she said I had a healthy if not large baby. Looks like I'm going to be trying to get a football player out. This isn't exactly something I'm looking forward to. Dex and Sentry have already promised to be there, mostly so I can throw things at both of them. I just hope Willie will be back in time to see his nephew or niece born as well.
Willie went to the Core. He seemed ... upset. Mostly, he disapproved of the "comfort" I was getting from Dex. After all if William found out, Dex would be a marked man. It's hard not to be frustrated. Either way, I hope that he comes back with Chocolate. Despite not fully trusting Willie, I do think I'm going to miss the big lug until he returns.